The Battle For The Alamo Taqueria by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira
Remember The Taqueria
When vigilantes gun down her uncle during an illegal border crossing, an idealistic young Mexican woman decides to make a dramatic political statement by leading a strike force to recapture the Alamo. Then international spies, Hollywood celebrities, the American President, the whole Mexican army, and a teenage kid with a tank become involved... and everything spins out of control.
Cold Coffee Review: In this very funny and interesting read, a dreamy young Mexican woman name Claudia Madero joins a group who tries to cross the US/Mexican border illegally and is shot at by American vigilantes.
Her aging uncle is mortally wounded in the incident, and - after being returned to her hometown - she partners with a local priest and a successful merchant in an attempt to make a dramatic statement about the negative consequences of US border policies.
Why not recapture the Alamo, she decides, draw the attention of the press, and force an honest debate about the issue.
Of course, there are bungling players on all sides of this comedy, and Claudia and her “Army” end up liberating, not the real Alamo, but a Taqueria designed as a replica of the historic shrine. It doesn’t seem to matter though. The US President decides that he too wants to make a statement and so he sends the US Marines to confront her.
No matter what your political view, we feel that it is important that everyone be informed about both sides of this complex and difficult issue. This is not the time to ignore current events and become a bystander.
If you like Saturday Night Live, you will love this book. I could see some chapters as a skit with the actor Alic Baldwin cast as Donald Trump.
I, Theodocia McLean, endorse The Battle For The Alamo Taqueria as a powerful but humorous presentation of an important side of the immigration issue and perhaps a warning about apocalyptic consequences. I purchased this book from Kindle. This review was completed on February 27, 2018.
Genre: Humor, Satire
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