Saturday, September 29, 2018

Soldier Boy by Glen Carter

Soldier Boy by Glen Carter
Lightning splits a savage night, and in the arms of a priest, a mysterious woman dies while giving birth. The infant survives and as a boy is haunted by visions of soldiers and war and blood-soaked betrayal. As a man, even with his strange talent for beating the slots, he chooses to dwell among the legions of mole people beneath the Las Vegas Strip. A bizarre confrontation sets him on a journey to discover who he once was and what was robbed from him.

Samuel Bolt has come home, to a place he’s never been. To a lover he’s never known. And to a powerful enemy who will stop at nothing to send a dead soldier back to his grave.

Cold Coffee Review: Excellent writing by Author Glen Carter.

The gripping story opens with a woman making her way to an American shelter, in hopes of giving birth in the arms of forgiveness. With nowhere else to turn, she walks toward the door. I quote “A pain suddenly split her abdomen, and it took all her strength just to stand. She dropped the small case and clutched her stomach as another contraction took her to her knees. Phantom gunshots rattled through her. She hugged the dirt, tasted it, wanted to claw her way into the earth’s crust.”

The infant survives, but not without consequences. As a young boy, he is haunted by visions. Visions of unknown places, war, soldiers and blood. I found the boy’s visions troubling and curious at the same time.

I quote, “The cockpits were dark, and with their night-vision goggles, the pilots appeared as alien invaders. The lead checked his outboard shoulder. Satisfied, he nudged the cyclic, and both choppers banked steeply over Iraqi territory.”

As a man, he lived in the shadows, on the edge of the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. I quote, “Samuel Bolt’s pockets were stuffed with money. Wads of it. Folded and rolled, in twenties and fifties. It had weight, and if you looked closely, there were bulges at the front of his jeans. He was not feeling cocksure, and there was no swagger in his walk. He was a nobody, his face shadowed within a thrift shop hoodie, trying to stay invisible.”

Afraid to say too much, I leave you with this and invite you to read Soldier Boy, Bolt couldn’t move. The sand was deep, and he was in it to his knees. He tugged free a boot for another impossible step and then sank again, deeper this time. A storm of grit stung his eyes. It took everything he had to pull himself forward. To the tree and the squirming bundle at its base. The baby was covered in blood, its fat little arms reaching out to him. The face of an angel bathed in the flash of lightning. Bolt stooped low and placed both hands around the trembling flesh. Suddenly, the child began to scream. Scream so pitifully that Bolt had to cover his ears. The infant tumbled out of his hands and was swallowed by a whirlpool of sand. In a second, it was gone. Flames burst from the tree, forcing Bolt backwards. Away from the nightmare, to his bed in Harbour Rock.”

I love the author’s characters, story and his quote, “I’m a believer in things. It’s my default position, unless they can be proven not to be. As humans, we are sadly limited in our understanding beyond the horizons of existence. Do I believe in reincarnation? Prove to me that it doesn’t exist.

As an award-winning journalist, author Glen Carter worked most of his life in a high-pressure news environment. His experiences in research and fact driven stories has motivated him to apply his story telling craft to fiction, like this book titled Soldier Boy and Last Witness.

I encourage you to read Soldier Boy, understanding that it is adult content and adult language. I purchased this book from Kindle and this review was posted on September 29, 2018.

Genre: Literature, Fiction

Product Details:
File Size: 812 KB
Print Length: 391 Pages
Publisher: Flanker Press (September 5, 2018)
Publication Date: September 5, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English

Genre: Literature, Fiction

Product Details: File Size: 812 KB Print Length: 391 Pages Publisher: Flanker Press (September 5, 2018) Publication Date: September 5, 2018 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B07HCQ4J6N



Last Witness by Glen Carter

A mysterious letter has reached retired FBI agent Frank Malloy. A letter bearing a name from a lifetime ago, from a woman who claims she saw what really happened on the day John F. Kennedy died in Dallas. Many were there to film the president, but Helena Storozhenko snapped a photo on November 22, 1963, that would have changed everything. Then she vanished.

Until now.

From her death bed in Odessa, the Babushka Lady provides a piece of evidence that will send Malloy and network television host Jack Doyle on a desperate search for the truth. has summoned Malloy and finally reveals what she witnessed in Dealey Plaza.

Malloy and Doyle need each other to solve a decades-old mystery, and to stop an assassin who is driven by the same evil which changed the world so tragically – so long ago. It all comes down to one place, one time, and one bullet as they race to prevent history from repeating itself – more than fifty years after a president was brutally slain – and Helena Storozhenko was The Last Witness.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Literature, Fiction

Product Details: File Size: 1388 KB Print Length: 256 Pages Publisher: Breakwater Books Ltd. (October 11, 2013) Publication Date: October 11, 2013 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B00GXEZSLS

Amazon Customer Review: A novel that reads like non-fiction! December 30, 2013 Format: Kindle Edition "We've been told a lot about the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, but we were not told everything. In the decades since that tragic day, America has had its share of fact and fiction, myths and misinformation. The truth is, the JFK story continues to be written...." The quote above is from LAST WITNESS- which is a novel mind you-but the quote is true in my mind nonetheless. (taken from an on-air news broadcast written into the story) It begins in a way that has your head spinning- Guatemala, New England, NY, Havana....the list goes on. Characters, locations, and intricate intrigue. And as the book progresses, all becomes a woven fabric of pages. My eyes popped open, got teary, and ultimately got tired from just staying up too late to keep turning pages. 4 thumbs up from myself and my husband!

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Cold Coffee Press Spotlight Interview With Author Glen Carter

Glen Carter is an award-winning journalist who has spent more than thirty-five years in the high-pressure world of television news. He has covered everything from national politics and crime to world leaders and deadly disasters. He is now applying his story-telling craft and decades of fact-driven writing to the flight of fiction.
His debut novel, Angels of Maradona, was published in 2008 by Breakwater Books. Last Witness was released in the fall of 2013. Glen's latest offering is Soldier Boy, published September 2018 by, a novel of reincarnation, redemption and revenge.


What makes you proud to be a writer from Canada)? Newfoundland and Labrador are known for its abundance of successful authors. We live in a place where story telling is part of our culture. It is celebrated and nurtured.

What or who inspired you to become a writer? My father was a talented story teller, politician and author. I spent many hours listening to his tales and learned to appreciate the art of storytelling from him.

When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published? I began to write for the love of words. My first novel was published in 2008. That was the bonus.

What has been your most rewarding experience with your writing and publishing journey? The acknowledgment by readers that they've enjoyed my novels is the most rewarding experience of my writing and publishing journey.

How many published books do you have? Three published novels, so far.

Please introduce your genre and why you prefer to write in that genre? I prefer to write in the suspense thriller genre, because of the constructs, tools and fundamentals that are part of this style of storytelling.

Please list the title of your book you want featured and promoted? Soldier Boy

What do you like to do when you are not writing? Trying to live a good life, full of friends, and family.

What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors? Adopt a disciplined writing schedule. Produce each day.

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Monday, September 10, 2018

Path To Truth: The Ray Stanton Story by Pastor Ray Stanton

Path To Truth: The Ray Stanton Story by Pastor Ray Stanton

Path to Truth is one of the most honest, funny and heartwarming stories of one man’s journey toward a relationship with God. Ray Stanton was raised in a poor farming family in Indiana. He always felt the presence of God in his life, though he never really had a relationship with him. His family never really went to church and he, being the oldest of seven kids had to work on the farm from an early age.

When he was eight-years-old, Ray had his first encounter with God in a snowy hayfield. There were many other times when God protected Ray, but it wasn’t until he was twenty-seven years old and thought he couldn’t go on. He was about to pull the trigger when God spoke to him. This book isn’t a preachy book, it isn’t a “what you should do” book, it is one man’s story.

Pastor Stanton has traveled all over the world spreading the gospel and sharing his story with others. It is his wish that this book be an inspiration to you in your walk with God. Brian Dawson – Mr. Editor says “I feel this book has huge potential! It was funny, sweet, moving and inspirational!

I couldn’t stop laughing about the hotel room scene. I love the flow of the book and how he puts details in, but not so much that he loses the reader in those details.”

Genre: Nonfiction  

Cold Coffee Review: I love reading memoirs and enjoyed reading Path To Truth: The Ray Stanton Story. Some of his experiences brought a smile to my face, as I too grew up in rural, small-town America where children have the freedom to roam. I would be willing to bet that one or more of his short life experiences will draw you back into your own memories of childhood, teen years and young adulthood.

The author begins with his first childhood memory, living in a small camper, trailer on the edge of a field. From there he takes us on a journey to The Opal Parker Place, The Miscarriage, The Tractor, The Kehrt Farm, The Move, The New Shoes, New Farm / New School, A Little Down Time on the Farm, The Measles / Chicken Pox / Mumps, The Skunk, The Lost Horse, Another Sibling, Milk Cows, Falling off the Tractor: My First Encounter with God, The Meeting in the Hay Field, Things Start to Change, A New Brother, The Ice Trip Down River, The Stanton’s Get Guns, Putting Hay in the Barn, Hunting to Survive, Hauling Corn, A Horse of Our Own Acting like Men, The Farm Sells, The New School, The Cows, We’re In the Money, The Creek and Learning to Swim, The Old German Lady, The Bull, Football Practice, Summer Break is Too Short, Dave’s Family Moves, Dad Has a Heart Attack, The New Place in Town, The New School in Town, A Business Enterprise, The Fish Fry, Granddad Intervenes, The Harley, Summers Spent Talking to God, My First Car, DeMolay, Dad Gets a Motor, I Will Graduate, Married Life, Selling Insurance, Pickled Eggs, Burgers and Beer, The Blizzard of ’77, and Studying the Rich Folk.

I share the author’s story headings inside this memoir, because I believe after reading the titles, you will find something of interest that you would like to read. I have a couple of favorites. Growing up where I could roam freely on foot and travel great distances on my bike, I remember exploring everything in hopes of finding hidden treasures. The author’s story ‘Were In The Money’ was extremely interesting.

 I enjoyed getting to know this author and I enjoyed some of the photos that he shared in this book. I found his ‘Studying the Rich Folk’ enlightening. His title ‘Path To Truth’ is a good fit, because he searched for and found truth. God spoke to Ray at age 27, when he was holding a gun to his throat. This book is a testimony to God’s goodness and saving grace.

I purchased this book from Kindle and completed this review on September 9, 2018.


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Adoration Prayer by Pastor Ray Stanton

Adoration Prayer is a highly anticipated book from Pastor Ray Stanton. With the turmoil going on in the world today, Pastor Stanton believes that more than ever, the church must come closer to God. We need a great revival to take place.

The way to revive and refresh the church, is through Adoration Prayer. Now is the time; today is that day. As I begin this book, I can feel the anointing flowing through me. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven; and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian, Devotional

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Adoration Prayer Devotional / Journal by Pastor Ray Stanton

I have written this Devotional/Journal to help you begin your journey into Adoration Prayer. I hope that the scriptures and references in this book encourage you to start your prayer time reflecting on who God is, first. We need to know that He is more than we can ever possibly comprehend. What is God?

He is All in All. He is all things to all men and more. As you reflect on these pages and begin to journal what God gives you during your prayers, I believe adoring Him will come as naturally to you, as it does to me. How great it is for us to have the opportunity to praise and worship our Creator. I have designed this book to journal your thoughts about what God speaks to your heart as you pray. I find that He reveals things to me and I need to write them down, so I can look back on them later. They give me a renewed surge of spiritual energy.

I pray that you will be as Blessed, as I have been through your time of Prayer. Pastor Ray

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian, Devotional  

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Waynesville, Indiana: Mother's Day, Murder and Mayhem by Ray and Debi Stanton

Waynesville, Indiana, a small suburb of Columbus, Indiana, was the scene of four gruesome murders on May 11, 2013. The 911 call came in a little after 10:30 p.m. “There’s blood everywhere,” Daniel told the 911 operator. “I just walked in and there’s two, I have two bodies here, and I think they have both been shot. There’s blood everywhere.” Daniel gave the 911 operator his location. He explained to him, “There might be three, because I can’t find my mom either.” He told the operator that the house looked like it had been ransacked. “There was a fight here.” Daniel said. Katheryn Burton was shot and stabbed four times. Each of the other victims: Aaron Cross, Tommy Smith and Shawn Burton were shot at least twice. Samuel Sallee has been convicted and sentenced to 4 consecutive life sentences for the brutal murders that changed one young man’s life forever. The next day was Mother’s Day! “That guy killed my whole family,” said Daniel Burton, the son of Katheryn Burton. “I think I’ve earned a front-row seat to watch him die. I’d lump him together with Hitler, because I can’t think of anyone else who is that evil. “Daniel Burton: “The Trial was my family’s story. This is mine.”

Genre: Nonfiction  

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 Cold Coffee Press Spotlight Interview With Pastor Ray Stanton

Pastor Ray Stanton was raised in a poor farming family in Indiana. He always felt the presence of God in his life, though he never really had a relationship with him. His family rarely, if ever, went to church and he, being the oldest of seven kids had to work on the farm from an early age.

When he was eight-years-old, Ray had his first encounter with God in a snowy hayfield. There were many other times when God protected Ray, but it wasn’t until he was twenty-seven years old and thought he couldn’t go on that he accepted Christ after nearly committing suicide. He was about to pull the trigger when God spoke to him.

Pastor Stanton has traveled all over the world spreading the gospel and sharing his story with others. It is his wish that this book be an inspiration to you in your walk with God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven; and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

It is his hope that you will experience the love of God and continue to grow in your relationship with God. God Bless and Keep You!  


What makes you proud to be a writer from (South Central Indiana)? South Central Indiana has always been a part of me. It is what makes me, me.  

What or who inspired you to become a writer? As an avid reader I read everything I could get my hands on as a young boy. So, I would have to say all of the authors who came before me. Samuel Clemens has a special place for me though.  

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage? Absolutely as I stated earlier it made me who I am. Parts of my environment and upbringing are used in all of my books.  

When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published? From the age of nine or ten when I started writing for school. It was always my intent to be published.  

What has been your most rewarding experience with your writing and publishing journey? Some inmates wrote me letters about how reading ‘Path To Truth’ has changed their lives.  

How many published books do you have? I have written four books of my own and my wife Debi and I co-wrote a fifth.  

Please introduce your genre and why you prefer to write in that genre? I write non-fiction because I’m a history buff and I believe life is very interesting.  

Please list the title of your book you want featured and promoted? Path To Truth: The Ray Stanton Story.

 What do you like to do when you are not writing? I enjoy spending time with family and traveling with my lovely wife Debi. Fishing is another hobby.  

What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors? I would tell authors to write about things they are passionate about. When you have that idea and you really feel it write it down. When finished send it to us at Pen It Publications.  

Who is your favorite author and why? I would have to say Samuel Clemens. He was an amazing story teller.

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